Friday, March 25, 2016

SlipStream Adobe Reader with Powershell to be deployed using SCCM or psexec

Deploying Adobe quarterly patch and the security update is pain specially when you have environment with no internet connection.

Note: You need to remove the older version of Adobe Reader in order be able to installed the slipstream version of Abode Reader.

Here is how I slipstream quarterly update with security patches

You can download the script from the TechNet Gallery.

To slipstream you need to download the following files from Adobe.
1. Base Installer ( eg. AdbeRdr11000_en_US.exe)
2. Quarterly Update
3. Security Patch

Ftp download link

Apply the installer and patches in the following order:
Base Installer -> Quarterly Patch -> Security Patch
11.0.0->11.0.14 -> 10.1.15

Follow the steps to use the Power Shell Script:
1. Downloaded the necessary file(s) to a folder somewhere (should be a local drive or mapped network drive). I’ve downloaded AdbeRdr11006_en_US.exe to C:\Downloads. I’ll refer to this location as the Download folder in this post.
2. Create a folder called AIP. I’ve created it at C:\AIP and will refer to it as the TargetFolder.
3. Download the script from TechNet Gallery and extract it C:\Scripts.
4. Open an elevated PowerShell console, browse to C:\Scripts and run the following command:

.\New-AdobeReaderAIP.ps1 -FileName "AdbeRdr11006_en_US.exe" -DownloadFolder "C:\Download" -TargetFolder "C:\AIP"

5. The script will now start to slipstream Adobe Reader.

Copy the entire AIP folder to the destination computer and run the AcroReader.msi to install.

You can deploy remotely using psexec:

devices.txt contains the host names where you want to deploy it.

psexec @C:\adobe\devices.txt -h -u domain\username -p "password" -c xcopy /y /s "c:\AIP" c:\temp\update

psexec @C:\adobe\devices.txt -h -u domain\username  -p "password" msiexec.exe /i c:\temp\update\AcroRead.msi  /quiet /qn /norestart /l+ c:\temp\update-logs\log.txt